Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
What Kind of Sport Do You Imitate in Bed?
You are a Football Player in Bed!
You're like a guy in the sack.
You want to cum and make it quick.
You're not all into it for hours on end because you get bored (A.D.D. anyone?).
Next time do a little more foreplay and wait at least 10 minutes!
What Kind of Sport Do You Imitate in Bed?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Are You Brave Enough For Al Fresco?
You Wouldn't Go All the Way...
You like the thrill of making out in public, but you wouldn't go all the way.
You're afraid of getting caught.
But you also think it's better in public when it's just you and your partner.
You old romantic you....
Are You Brave Enough For Al Fresco?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Are You a Gold Digger?
You're a Potential Gold Digger!
You've definitely got the potential to be a gold digger....
But for now it looks like you've got a nice balance going on
You don't mind money - but you don't live (or love) for it!
Are You a Gold Digger?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Monday, August 23, 2004
Backless g-string
these look pretty cool!
NEWS.com.au | Backless g-string revealed (August 13, 2004): "Backless g-string revealed
By Dominique Jackson
August 13, 2004
AUSTRALIA could be on the brink of a startling underwear revolution, thanks to Gold Coast couple Jan and Chuck Digney ('just your average mum and dad') and their invention: the backless brief.
Jan had a visible G-string problem and asked her daughters for advice.
'They said they freebag it, basically, `We don't wear undies Mum.'
'Well,' says Jan, speaking after a champagne-fuelled lunch to celebrate the launch, 'there's got to be something out there to stop people from doing that'.
She worked through 50-odd prototypes before arriving at a design that replaces the back with two bra-style straps under the bottom.
'It's like freebagging but you're protected,' she says.
The challenge, says Chuck, is to get people to believe they stay up.
The couple has spent $300,000 on the first run of 35,000 and patenting the invention across the world.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Right after we waked through the tunnel from the parking lot, I was amazed to look up and just see this view!
The Bat
I love the look of this picture. It is, bar far, one of the best that I have ever taken. Yes, I am impressed with myself!
Grounds Crew
I signed up for flickr and this is my first try at posting from it.
Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing
Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing
I am debating signing up for a flickr account. It's free right now and apparently will work with my mac, unlike hello (which i originally looked into)
I am debating signing up for a flickr account. It's free right now and apparently will work with my mac, unlike hello (which i originally looked into)
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Real Friends
My friend Jen sent me the following in an email and I proceeded to laugh so hard that I nearly cried (mainly because it fits our relationship perfectly)
Are you tired of all those sissy "friendship" poems that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a series of promises that really speaks to true friendship:
1. When you are sad - I will help get you drunk and plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad.
2. When you are blue - I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile - I will know you finally got laid.
4. When you are scared - I will rag on you about it every chance I get.
5. When you are worried - I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be and to quit whining.
6. When you are confused - I will use little words.
7. When you are sick - Stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
8. When you fall - I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.
his is my oath..I pledge it till the end. ! Why?, you may ask.because you are my friend. Send this to 10 of your closest friends, then get depressed because you can only think of two and one of
them isn't speaking to you right now anyway.
Love, Jen
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Apple - Mac OS X - Tiger Preview
Apple - Mac OS X - Tiger Preview
Apple came out with new displays that is AMAZING LOOKING! There is a 30 inch display that is 2560x1600, with 4.1 million pixels! That's bigger than my television! But it's also $3,299 and only works with the PowerMac. They had to come up with a new graphics card for it. And not only one, but dual dual link that will come up with 8.2 million pixels for one PowerMac!
Looks like Apple is coming out with a new OS. MacOSX v10.4 Tiger looks like it's going to have some cool new features. There is a video on the WWDC 2004.
Spotlight is a very cool new new feature in Tiger. It is basically a search engine for your entire computer and allows you to have Smart Lists like the ones that are in iTunes for your Address Book, Mail, etc.
Steve Jobs says "Apple has the best displays in the industry bar none. Our competitors buy the panels we reject." (laughing in audience) "It's true."
Apple came out with new displays that is AMAZING LOOKING! There is a 30 inch display that is 2560x1600, with 4.1 million pixels! That's bigger than my television! But it's also $3,299 and only works with the PowerMac. They had to come up with a new graphics card for it. And not only one, but dual dual link that will come up with 8.2 million pixels for one PowerMac!
Looks like Apple is coming out with a new OS. MacOSX v10.4 Tiger looks like it's going to have some cool new features. There is a video on the WWDC 2004.
"There are over 150 new features in Tiger" says Jobs.
Spotlight is a very cool new new feature in Tiger. It is basically a search engine for your entire computer and allows you to have Smart Lists like the ones that are in iTunes for your Address Book, Mail, etc.
SelectSmart.com Selectors
With all the Presidential Hoopla going on, I thought that I would take a quiz to see who I should be voting for. I know that I was really a HUGE supporter of Kerry until I saw him rooting for the BoSox so I figured that I should take this quiz to see who my political views are supported by.
Here were your selector responses and results:
1. TAXES & SPENDING (Check any and all statements with which you agree): Reduce federal spending and taxes, even if this means shifting responsibility for providing services to state and local government, private industry, charitable groups and/or individuals.
Regardless of increases or decreases, it is vitally important that federal spending and taxes are balanced.
(Medium Importance)
2. Federally funded social services and poverty aid should be delivered through religious, community-based, or other non-profit organizations. These Bush
None of the above/Prefer alternate solutions/Not sure
(Medium Importance)
3. Federal funding of welfare and assistance to unemployed and under-employed individuals and families
No preference/None of the above/Prefer alternate solutions
(Medium Importance)
4. Federal funding of "corporate welfare", which has been defined as "special government subsidies or benefits that are targeted to specific industries or businesses"
Should be decreased
(Medium Importance)
Since 9-11 the issues of civil rights and liberties have come in conflict with issues of security.
Law enforcement agencies should be granted greater discretion to read mail and email, tap phones, and conduct random searches.
America should adopt stricter standards for international student visas.
Terrorist suspects should be tried in civilian courts with due process protections (rather than in military tribunals).
(High Importance)
It is appropriate for the U.S. to support the formation of a Palestinian state.
It is appropriate for the US to maintain a non-interventionist foreign policy.
It is bad policy for the US to attack an enemy nation pre-emptively.
(Medium Importance)
Increase federal funding of public schools.
Support tax incentives and/or increased federal funding of programs such as grants and loans to help students attend college.
(High Importance)
Support the concept of federally funded national healthcare coverage for all or most Americans.
(Medium Importance)
Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax into private investments.
(Medium Importance)
10. ILLICIT DRUGS Laws and penalties regarding illegal drugs such as a narcotics, hallucinogens, etc.
Prevent and reduce drug use through education and counseling, but do not legalize drugs.
(Medium Importance)
11. TRADE--
On issues of trade with other countries, my ideal candidate would favor the following
More restrictive "Fair Trade" policies.
(Medium Importance)
12. GUN POLICY -- Regarding the following special interest groups, my ideal candidate will generally support the positions of
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, a group that "supports a ban on the importation, manufacture, sale and transfer of handguns and assault weapons, with reasonable exceptions for police, military, security personnel, gun clubs, and antique and collectable firearms stored in inoperable condition. Hunting weapons, such as shotguns and rifles, would be unaffected by these bans."
(High Importance)
13. ABORTION POLICY -- Regarding the following special interest groups, my ideal candidate will generally support the positions of
Planned Parenthood, a group that "believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence."
(High Importance)
14. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY -- Regarding the positions of the League of Conservation Voters, self-described as "the political voice of the national environmental movement and the only organization devoted full-time to shaping a pro-environment Congress", my ideal candidate will generally
Share the positions of the League of Conservation Voters
(Medium Importance)
15. MINORITY ISSUES -- Regarding the positions of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), whose stated goal is the "elimination of all barriers to political, educational, social and economic equality".) my ideal candidate will generally
No preference/None of the above/Prefer alternate solutions
(Medium Importance)
16. CIVIL LIBERTIES -- Regarding the positions of the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) an organization that describes themselves as "our nation's guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States", my ideal candidate will generally:
Share the positions of the ACLU
(Medium Importance)
17. CANDIDATE VIABILITY -- Remove from scoring consideration those candidates on my list:
1. Your ideal theoretical candidate. (100%)
2. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (72%)
3. Cobb, David - Green Party (70%)
4. Nader, Ralph - Independent (70%)
5. Brown, Walt - Socialist Party (59%)
6. Badnarik, Michael - Libertarian (39%)
7. Bush, President George W. - Republican (30%)
8. Peroutka, Michael - Constitution Party (17%)
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Sunday, August 8, 2004
New York Yankees News
I went to the Yankees game yesterday in The Bronx with my father and friend A. A sat in the bleachers (as he usually does) and my father and I were in the loge. It was a really cool game to see. El Duque pitched and had something like 7 strikeouts. It was great to see him make such a HUGE comeback. Bernie Williams was the MAN yesterday as well. He had a two-run double that was so great to see. I LOVE Bernie! And I got pictures of it all. And about 50 pictures of Derek Jeter bending over. Damn he is so fine! We got to watch batting practice. I took a picture of the flags that they have, Yankees in 1st place, Boston in 2nd...that's the way it should always be..oh yeah, it pretty much is!
New York Yankees News
New York Yankees News
El Duque holds Blue Jays at bay
Bernie Williams hits a two-RBI single during the fifth inning on Saturday. (Ed Betz/AP)
Orlando Hernandez was the latest Yankees hurler to dazzle the home crowd, as El Duque continued his storybook comeback with eight shutout innings against the Blue Jays. New York topped Toronto, 6-0, beating its AL East foes for the sixth time in seven meetings this season.
"It's great for us," said manager Joe Torre. "Everybody is in a pretty good mood. The last three games, everybody has been on their toes and doing good things."
Thursday, August 5, 2004
Red Sox to Yankee Fan Conversion Form
I'm printing this out and keeping copies with me at all times.
Red Sox to Yankee Fan Conversion Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the New York Yankees Fan Club. Due to an unprecedented volume of requests, we are currently processing only fan conversion registrations for Boston Red Sox fans. Conversion requests from other teams will be accepted once all Red Sox requests are processed. We expect this to take a number of weeks based on
the current backlog of requests.
Please take a few moments to fill out the conversion form below to help us get to know you better and prescribe any required counseling to recover from your previous fan experience.
Name: _______________________________
Last First M
Address:______________________________ # Street
City Zip
1. Please indicate the last time you watched the Boston Red Sox win the World Series:
[ ]1918 (Please leave this form at the front desk of your nursing home)
[ ]Have never witnessed this event
2.Please indicate your favorite moments in Red Sox history: (Check all that apply)
[ ]Babe Ruth sold to the Yankees
[ ]Pesky holds the ball as the Yankees score the winning run in '48
[ ]Bob Gibson shuts down the Sox in the '67 series
[ ]Sox trade Sparky Lyle to the Yankees for Danny Cater
[ ]Big Red Machine beats the Sox in Game 7 of the '75 Series
[ ]Sox lose 14 ½ game lead to the Yankees in '78
[ ]Bucky Dent homers in '78 playoff game
[ ]Bob Stanley throws wild pitch in 6th game of '86 Series
[ ]Grounder goes th! rough Bill Buckner's legs in the 6th game of '86 Series
[ ]Future Hall of Famer Wade Boggs signs to play with the Yankees
[ ]Wade Boggs rides policeman's horse after Yanks win '96 Series
[ ]Future Hall of Famer Roger Clemens traded to the Yankees
[ ]Yanks wipe out Sox in five games in '99 ALCS
[ ]Roger Clemens wins game 4 for the Yanks to clinch the '99 Series
3.Reasons you believe the Sox have not won a World Series since 1918:
(Check all that apply)
[ ]The curse of the Babe
[ ]Lack of Pitching
[ ]The curse of the Babe
[ ]Lack of Hitting
[ ]The curse of the Babe
[ ]Lack of Defense
[ ]The curse of the Babe
[ ]Bad calls by Umpires
[ ]The curse of the Babe
4Have you experienced any of the following after another inevitable Red Sox
loss: (Check all that apply)
[ ]Headache
[ ]Uncontrolled Anger
[ ]Heartache
[ ]Holes punched in doors or walls
[ ]Nausea
[ ]Smashed TV screens
[ ]Depression
[ ]Avoided Yankee fans for days or weeks
5.Is October your least favorite time of year?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
6.Are you tired of saying "Wait till next year"?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
7.Are you ready to admit that:
a.Joe DiMaggio was better than Ted Williams?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
b.Thurman Munson was better than Carlton Fisk?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
c.Derek Jeter is better than Nomar Garciaparra?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
d.Don Zimmer is a managerial genius?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
e.The Sox next century will be no better than the last?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
f.The "Green Monster" is ugly and stupid?
[ ] Yes [ } No
Once you have completed this form, please forward to Yankee Stadium. Then burn all your remaining Red Sox clothing, memorabilia, and associated reminders. After reviewing your request, the Yankee Fan Club will contact you with notification of acceptance or rejection.
If accepted, you will receive:
*A recommended recuperation program which includes a recording of Frank Sinatra singing "New York, New York" over and over again
*An opportunity to obtain tickets to the 2003 World Series at Yankee Stadium
*Posters of Boggs and Clemens in Yankee uniforms wearing their championship rings
*A dart board sporting a picture of Yaz
*A copy of our popular handbook, "Harassing Red Sox Fans for Fun and Profit"
*A coupon for a future poster of Pedro Martinez in a Yankee uniform
*A one-year subscription to a weekly support group for ex-Red Sox fans in your area
If rejected, you will receive:
*Our pity and condolences, plus a 26 second video capturing the past 100 years of Red Sox highlights in head-to-head competition against the Yankees narrated by George "Boomer" Scott.
I hereby renounce the Boston Red Sox for all eternity on this the ______ day of ________________, 200__
(Office Use Only)
[ ] Approved
[ ] Declined George M. Steinbrenner III
Red Sox to Yankee Fan Conversion Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the New York Yankees Fan Club. Due to an unprecedented volume of requests, we are currently processing only fan conversion registrations for Boston Red Sox fans. Conversion requests from other teams will be accepted once all Red Sox requests are processed. We expect this to take a number of weeks based on
the current backlog of requests.
Please take a few moments to fill out the conversion form below to help us get to know you better and prescribe any required counseling to recover from your previous fan experience.
Name: _______________________________
Last First M
Address:______________________________ # Street
City Zip
1. Please indicate the last time you watched the Boston Red Sox win the World Series:
[ ]1918 (Please leave this form at the front desk of your nursing home)
[ ]Have never witnessed this event
2.Please indicate your favorite moments in Red Sox history: (Check all that apply)
[ ]Babe Ruth sold to the Yankees
[ ]Pesky holds the ball as the Yankees score the winning run in '48
[ ]Bob Gibson shuts down the Sox in the '67 series
[ ]Sox trade Sparky Lyle to the Yankees for Danny Cater
[ ]Big Red Machine beats the Sox in Game 7 of the '75 Series
[ ]Sox lose 14 ½ game lead to the Yankees in '78
[ ]Bucky Dent homers in '78 playoff game
[ ]Bob Stanley throws wild pitch in 6th game of '86 Series
[ ]Grounder goes th! rough Bill Buckner's legs in the 6th game of '86 Series
[ ]Future Hall of Famer Wade Boggs signs to play with the Yankees
[ ]Wade Boggs rides policeman's horse after Yanks win '96 Series
[ ]Future Hall of Famer Roger Clemens traded to the Yankees
[ ]Yanks wipe out Sox in five games in '99 ALCS
[ ]Roger Clemens wins game 4 for the Yanks to clinch the '99 Series
3.Reasons you believe the Sox have not won a World Series since 1918:
(Check all that apply)
[ ]The curse of the Babe
[ ]Lack of Pitching
[ ]The curse of the Babe
[ ]Lack of Hitting
[ ]The curse of the Babe
[ ]Lack of Defense
[ ]The curse of the Babe
[ ]Bad calls by Umpires
[ ]The curse of the Babe
4Have you experienced any of the following after another inevitable Red Sox
loss: (Check all that apply)
[ ]Headache
[ ]Uncontrolled Anger
[ ]Heartache
[ ]Holes punched in doors or walls
[ ]Nausea
[ ]Smashed TV screens
[ ]Depression
[ ]Avoided Yankee fans for days or weeks
5.Is October your least favorite time of year?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
6.Are you tired of saying "Wait till next year"?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
7.Are you ready to admit that:
a.Joe DiMaggio was better than Ted Williams?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
b.Thurman Munson was better than Carlton Fisk?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
c.Derek Jeter is better than Nomar Garciaparra?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
d.Don Zimmer is a managerial genius?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
e.The Sox next century will be no better than the last?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
f.The "Green Monster" is ugly and stupid?
[ ] Yes [ } No
Once you have completed this form, please forward to Yankee Stadium. Then burn all your remaining Red Sox clothing, memorabilia, and associated reminders. After reviewing your request, the Yankee Fan Club will contact you with notification of acceptance or rejection.
If accepted, you will receive:
*A recommended recuperation program which includes a recording of Frank Sinatra singing "New York, New York" over and over again
*An opportunity to obtain tickets to the 2003 World Series at Yankee Stadium
*Posters of Boggs and Clemens in Yankee uniforms wearing their championship rings
*A dart board sporting a picture of Yaz
*A copy of our popular handbook, "Harassing Red Sox Fans for Fun and Profit"
*A coupon for a future poster of Pedro Martinez in a Yankee uniform
*A one-year subscription to a weekly support group for ex-Red Sox fans in your area
If rejected, you will receive:
*Our pity and condolences, plus a 26 second video capturing the past 100 years of Red Sox highlights in head-to-head competition against the Yankees narrated by George "Boomer" Scott.
I hereby renounce the Boston Red Sox for all eternity on this the ______ day of ________________, 200__
(Office Use Only)
[ ] Approved
[ ] Declined George M. Steinbrenner III
Wednesday, August 4, 2004
What Guy is Perfect for You? Quiz
I hung out with 'MJ' tonight. I just went over his house and made dinner for him & I (chicken parm - his and my fave!) and watched tv. He is so sweet sometimes and really is just so very cute! If only he wasn't a BoSox fan.
The man for you is Prince Charming.
You need a sensitive, romantic man who will understand and listen.
You enter into relationships for love and need a committed man who will provide plenty of love and security.
What Guy is Perfect for *You*?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Your Guy is Prince Charming!
The man for you is Prince Charming.
You need a sensitive, romantic man who will understand and listen.
You enter into relationships for love and need a committed man who will provide plenty of love and security.
What Guy is Perfect for *You*?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Is There a Boyfriend In Your Future?
Well considering that I am newly single AGAIN, I decided to take a quiz to find out Is There a Boyfriend In Your Future?
Never one to miss a chance to meet a guy, you're always "on" and it pays off.
At the grocery store, the video store, wherever…you're constantly on the
lookout for the next victim.
Not that you treat men like shit. Far from it! It's just that you love 'em so
much, it's hard to limit yourself to just one.
Like M&M's, except your men usually melt in your mouth. AND your hands. Mmmm!
Is There A Boyfriend In Your Future?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
There is MOST DEFINITELY a boyfriend in your future.
Never one to miss a chance to meet a guy, you're always "on" and it pays off.
At the grocery store, the video store, wherever…you're constantly on the
lookout for the next victim.
Not that you treat men like shit. Far from it! It's just that you love 'em so
much, it's hard to limit yourself to just one.
Like M&M's, except your men usually melt in your mouth. AND your hands. Mmmm!
Is There A Boyfriend In Your Future?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Top 12 Best Movie Lines Ever
I used to say the first one over and over and over again!
Top 12 Best Movie Lines Ever
Horror writer Stephen King, who moonlights as an Entertainment Weekly columnist, recently polled EW readers to find out what they think are the best movie lines ever.
Here are the 12 picks by Entertainment Weekly readers:
1. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
--Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) in "The Princess Bride"
2. "Inconceivable!" "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
--Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) in "The Princess Bride"
3. "Have fun storming the castle."
--Miracle Max (Bill Crystal) in "The Princess Bride"
4. "As you wish."
--Westley (Cary Elwes) in "The Princess Bride"
5. "I'll have what she's having."
--Female diner (Estelle Reiner) in "When Harry Met Sally"
6. "You had me at hello."
--Dorothy Boyd (ReneƩ Zellweger) in "Jerry Maguire"
7. "Fasten your seat belts--It's going to be a bumpy night."
--Margo Channing (Bette Davis) in "All About Eve"
8. "You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together...and blow."
--Marie Browning (Lauren Bacall) in "To Have and Have Not"
9. "If I'd been a ranch, they would've named me Bar Nothin'."
--Gilda (Rita Hayworth) in "Gilda"
10. "Veda's convinced me that alligators have the right idea: They eat their young."
--Ida Corwin (Eve Arden) in "Mildred Pierce"
11. "You're not too smart, are you? I like that in a man.
--Matty Walker (Kathleen Turner) in "Body Heat"
12. "Get outta here! And don't come back for five to seven days!"
--Vada Sultenfuss (Anna Chlumsky) in "My Girl"
Entertainment Weekly editors didn't want the readers to have all the fun. So they picked 50 more great movie quotes from the last half century. Here are the top five:
1. "I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it."
--Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) in "On the Waterfront"
2. "We all go a little mad sometimes."
--Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) in "Psycho"
3. "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me."
--Ben Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) in "The Graduate"
4. "Hey, don't knock masturbation. It's sex with someone I love."
--Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) in "Annie Hall"
5. "She's my daughter! She's my sister! She's my daughter! My sister, my daughter. She's my sister and my daughter."
--Evelyn Cross Mulwray (Faye Dunaway) in "Chinatown"
Monday, August 2, 2004
Free After Rebate - The best things in life are free
I was looking around the internet and found this site. Free After Rebate - The best things in life are free
Sunday, August 1, 2004
What Drug Are You?
You are Speed!
So what if your face looks like a before photo for Proactiv?
You've got the juice to stay up and screw all night long.
But with skin like yours, the only action you'll get is a frenzied cleaning spree.
What Drug Are You?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
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