On the ride home to Connecticut from the Catskills, we were driving down a mountain. At the top of the mountain were clear blue skies. When we looked down, we realized that we were higher than the clouds were. On the way down the mountain, we litareally had to drive through the clouds.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Sunflower Farm
While on vacation in the Catskills, we came across a Sunflower Farm that looked like it had past its peak of summer. The sunflowers were so sad-looking but at the same time I found them very enchanting and interesting.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Single Male
Friday, July 27, 2007
Brandon Walsh
I grew up watching 90210. My friends and I had 90210 parties. We would all crowd around the tv to watch it. When I heard that Jason Priestley was in a new show that took place in Beverly Hills, I knew I had to watch it. Side Order of Life is a new show on Lifetime. I watched the first episode online today and although it is nothing like 90210, I can't wait to watch the next episode.
Friday, July 20, 2007
future project ideas
While on my web search looking for a pattern that might be similar to the pattern that I want, I keep stumbling across patterns that, although look nothing like what I want to make, are really cool and I would want to make them separately. I figured I would put them all down so I don't forget them when I am looking for my next project.

Knitty has a great article thahttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gift I have to go through on how to make your own patterns

'A new design in Cable Stitch'Pattern for a cardigan From Woman's Weekly, 13 July 1940

Knitty has a great article thahttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gift I have to go through on how to make your own patterns

'A new design in Cable Stitch'Pattern for a cardigan From Woman's Weekly, 13 July 1940

I got an email from Abercrombie & Fitch today. Although I still love their clothes (which I did unusual being that I am almost thirty years old), I find that they tend to be a little small on me. I am not obese or anything like that but their clothes are a bit more snug than I would like them to be. I was thinking that I could make this sweater but larger so that it fits me exactly the way that I want it to. I am unsure where to start. I have never tackled such a large project before and have certainly never come up with a pattern idea. Even though I am threatened by the size of this project, I think that I might do it anyway.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
non smoker
I have smoked cigarettes for what seems like forever. When I was down, in trouble, and I needed a helping hand, I could rely on a smoke to make me feel better, if only for a few minutes. I recently decided it was time to quit. With my health deteriorating and MS worsening, I knew there was no time like the present. My last smoke was on Sunday. I am on Thursday now. 4 days SMOKE FREE. I never would have thought that I could have even made it this far. The nicotine gum seems to be working well for me thus far. On average, I have had 3 or 4 pieces a day when I have a craving to smoke. My father quit smoking 5 years ago and gave me some tips to optimize my chances of success. I realized when and why I want to smoke and are trying very hard to distract myself from those circumstances. My hardest time is at night, right now, when I am getting ready for bed. Before quitting, I would smoke 4 or 5 in a row before brushing my teeth and hopping into bed. Instead of smoking tonight, I had a piece of gum, a large glass of water and am typing about how bad I want to smoke, hoping that the more I type, the more the urge passes for me. One day, one craving at a time is working right now. That and lots of snack food. I am going to gain a lot of weight. I think that I have had ice cream every night this week.
Black Pineapple
Black Pineapple
Originally uploaded by danic
Black Pineapple
Originally uploaded by danic
Black Pineapples
Originally uploaded by danic
For Christmas, I got a book about new ways to use lace. The general idea is an 'exploded lace' theory, taking what was generally small, and using larger hooks and yarns. This shawl is my first attempt at one pattern found in the book and I have to say that I absolutely love it!
New York New York
My favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees. Using the microRevolt site I charted out the emblem and knit it into a purse. I tried felting it but it didn't come out so good.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Knitting Machine
I recently had a relapse of MS. Since I spend a lot of time knitting and couldn't with an i.v. tube in, I got a knitting machine. And wow! I have been busy. I basically decided that everyone on my list is getting some form of a handmade present for Christmas this year. I have quite a head start on it and already have lots of presents almost complete. I am going to back-post projects that I have finished while trying to update all the projects that I am currents working on with their pattern, if applicable or allowable. I can't wait to get started. I am working on Christmas in July!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Wheres my scarf?
Another scarf made in stockinette stitch until all my yarn was used up.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
White Sweater
This is the first sweater that I have ever made. I used the pattern from stitchdiva but did a less advanced skill level. Theirs has a pattern knitted into the garment and I just did a simple stitch with beading added. I used Caron Simply Soft yarn instead of the recommended yarn and I think that it came out ok.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Flag Blanket
I love how the flags came out on this. There were lots of sc stitches done on this project and tons of joining but all in all I think that it came out ok.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Heirloom Hungarian Apron

Hungarian Heirloom Apron
Originally uploaded by danic
Hungarian Apron 2
Originally uploaded by danic
Hungarian Apron 3
Originally uploaded by danic
I fell in love with this apron the minute that I saw the pattern in the Crochet-A-Day Calendar.
I made my Hungarian Heirloom Apron with cotton crochet thread that I had around my house. I loved working with this pattern. I had a hard time reading a crochet pattern at first but once I understood it, I had no problem at all. I can't wait to make more so that these can be heirlooms in my family.
Monday, June 18, 2007
After my cashmere sock experiment, I decided that I would try another pattern. I stumbled into my LYS (which happens to be Janet Kemp) and found a pattern and yarn made out of crab shells of all things.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Rainbow Purse
This pattern came out of a book-of-the-month club and happened to amuse me for a night.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Cashmerino Socks
The finished version of my socks. Completed. A PAIR!!! very happy about it
Friday, June 8, 2007
Cashmerino Socks
Considering that this is my first sock, I would have to give myself a pat on the back. One to go.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Cashmerino Socks
One sock down, one to go. I am not in love with the heel of the sock but I do have to say that I do love the rest of it.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Aunt Gigi
My Aunt Gigi lives far away. She doesn't know that I made her this Christmas present yet. I can't wait to see the look on her face. I used this pattern from stitchdiva and a tape yarn that i found at a discount store. I love how this poncho came out!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Cashmerino Socks
Once I am on a roll, I am loving this. I can't believe how fast these socks are coming together.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Cashmerino Socks
I am loving the cables in this pattern and the yarn is amazing to work with.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Cashmerino Socks
My cashmere socks are coming along really well. I thought that socks were going to be much harder than they actually are. It really is rewarding that you get to see your progress so very fast.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Cashmerino Socks
This is what the socks are supposed to look like when I am through
Cashmerino Socks
I got the Debbie Bliss book for Christmas and have been so excited to try my first pair of socks. Although I am not used to using any kind of expensive yarn, I splurged on the cashmerino yarn that is recommended for the pattern.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Grams Yarn Stash Scarf
My Gram taught me how to crochet. She has Alzheimers. So when my Papa asked me to go through her yarn stash, I felt a little strange about it. But I ended up coming up with this scarf. I think that this one I might just have to keep for myself.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Light Basic Scarf
I love this yarn. It was fun to work with and super easy as well. I bought it in yellow as well as this grey color. (The yellow I gave to my cousin so she could learn how to do the basics on something that she thought was fun.) This was done with a simple sc stitch throughout until I ran out of yarn. I added my 'Made by Danielle C' tag on this scarf and it is all ready to give as a gift.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Small purse
I followed the pattern for this purse from the Happy Hooker. I had the yarn sitting around for years and I like how the neutral colors worked for a purse I lined the inside of the small purse with a neutral paisley fabric that had also been sitting around the house.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Tucan Sam Scarf
This was a scarf that I made in a few hours. No pattern. Just a single crochet through-out the entire ball of yarn. The colors in the yarn reminded me of Fruit Loops when I was a kid.
Brown Fluffy Color Scarf
Fun Funky yarn given to me as a birthday gift that I knitted in stockinette stitch until I was out of yarn.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Sunday, March 4, 2007
White Crochet Purse
Using a shell stitch, I crocheted this piece of 'fabric'. I have to line it with fabric and put together a closure to finish it.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Purple Crochet Purse
Using a shell stitch, I crocheted this piece of 'fabric'. I have to line it with fabric and put together a closure to finish it.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Green Crochet Purse
Using a shell stitch, I crocheted this piece of 'fabric'. I have to line it with fabric and put together a closure to finish it.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Light Blue Crochet Purse
Using a shell stitch, I crocheted this piece of 'fabric'. I have to line it with fabric and put together a closure to finish it.
Pink and Orange Scarf
I bought the yarn for less than $1.00 at a clearance sale that they were having at my local joann.
Pattern was made up as I went along with dc, ch 1 to end of yarn.
Pattern was made up as I went along with dc, ch 1 to end of yarn.
Friday, February 2, 2007
superbowl xli
so my favorite part of the superbowl is, yes the commercials. and it is great to see that kfed is good for something!
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